Post Running Stretches
Aim to do each stretch for 10-15 seconds for each leg after your your run/ jog in order to aid recovery.
Hamstrings/ Back of Thighs
If you can’t reach your toes, put both of your hands on to the bent knee (not the leg you are stretching).
Quads / Front of Thighs
If you want this to be effective push your hip forward and your toes in to your hand. If you can push your heal to your butt, you are not pushing your toes in to your hand hard enough ;-) remember to keep your knees together for happier hips in golden years.
Groin / Inner Thighs
Sit in to a sumo squat position and push your knees out with your elbows (instead of resting your elbows on top of your knees).
Glutes & Back
On the out breath, tuck your invisible belly out of the way and push your bum back to stretch your glutes. As a bonus you get your back and upper body stretched as well while holding on to a chair/ tree/ wall/ railings etc at the same time.
You can use a curb/ step/ wall etc to lift your toes up. Push your hips forward for an efficient stretch.
Iliotibial (IT) Band
If this strecth is too intense for your hips, startr with your legs crossed, standing upright and reach up (towards the side of the back leg) instead.